Sunday, 31 October 2010

Filming Session (Production)

Filming at Barnard Park (Session 1)

In these images you are able to see our filming session at Barnard park. We decided to use this scene for the chorus. In the photos below you are able to see some of the angles and shots we have started to use. 

Thursday, 21 October 2010

Before we was able to film (PRODUCTION)

Before we could film, we needed a variety of photographs of the girlfriend and boyfriend  when they were together. The photographs will be shown through the video we will produce.

However, as we film in different locations we will also take a variety of pictures of the couple. 


For the main girl we wanted her to be seen in very casual clothes for the verses, however, for the chorus we want will be showing the girl more dressed up. 

The girl's verse clothing:


We will see her ex-boyfriend in the video and he is shown to be wearing casual clothing, to reflect his casual personality.

The boy's clothing: