Wednesday 1 December 2010

Digipak & Avertisement Design Brief - My thoughts (PLANNING)


As a group we decided that we needed to have the same:

  • Colour scheme: For our colour scheme we are using Black, Pink, Purple, Yellow and Blue

  • Font style: We have made a selection of fonts which we will use in our Digipak and advertisement

  • Graphics: We have made a decision to use a floral pattern using swirls and different colours, although we may not all use the same colour we will all use the pattern

  • Song list: As a group we came up with a list of song names that we think represent the album

  • Name of the artist: The artist is originally called Becky but as a group we thought BEE represented out artist better 

  • Name of the album: We have decided to call our album Love on a Stick

The decisions i have to make on my own are:

  • The Number of panels i have: I have chosen to have a six panel digipak. This is because when i made the first mock up of the digipak i realised i didn't have enough space for what i wanted to put into the digipak.

  • The content of each panel:
  • Front Cover
  • Back Cover
  • Cd Cover
  • Record Company Cover 
  • Thank you's 
  • The making of the hit single "Smile"

  • The choice of images on each panel


The decisions we made as a group are:

  • The colour scheme: We are using the same colour scheme of the Digipak, this is so that the audience are able to see the link between the advert and the Digipak

  • Font Style: The same fonts will be used for the digipak as well as the advertisement

  • Graphics: We will be using the same floral pattern we chose to use on our own individual digipak. 

  • Song List: The song list is the same as the tracks on the digipak

  • Name of Artist and Album: The name of the Artist will also be the same Becky known as "BEE"

  • Date of release: The release date of the album is 20th December 2011. This is because it is near christmas and therefore should be a sell out and a christmas hit.

  • Web Address: The web address for Bee is We decided to use this as we think it looks professional.

The decisions i have made are:

  • The choice of images used

  • The positioning of items on the poster

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