Wednesday 12 January 2011

question three

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We was given the task to create three products; a music video, a digipak and advertiment all for one song and our artist Bee.
We started of with the task of a music video.
This took alot of research and planning which we used the following programs;
from google, i manged to research british artist and theres songs
also i managed to get details for lily allens record company so i could email and ask permission for us of lily allen smile.
i managed to look at other real pop songs so i could look at codes and conventions which i could use in my music video in order for it look like a real video. This is where i got influences such as charlotte church crazy chick.

This is where i manage to get futher details on lily allen finding out what kind of singer she is and then i could pick a target audince for my music video which helped me begin what i was going to put in it.
On blogger i keep an account of all my planning,research and development which was useful to gain feedback and if i needed to reread and keep my ideas for my music video so they could build up .
also i keep my evulation where i wrote my ideas of how i felt my project went overall.

Planning and development also involded using;

A digital camera:
we used a simple camerma with a 16gb memory card which got put into the computers then draged onto our hardrive where all the groups work was.
the digital camera was the thing first given to me to create an anamic story board which helped me get a feel and idea for what i was going to film on the video camera,
this is where alot of my ideas came from as it showed me what looked good and bad which angles ect.
We also did the photoshoot for the digipak and advertisment using theses cameras this was an essital part to making theses products as the main element was a photo of the artist Bee.
A video camera  and memory cards; 
The video camera was a vital part of my music video as obviously i filmed it on it. using the cameras i managed to make it look close to real music video. we had to make sure the camera was in focus as i wouldnt want my music video to be blury. i manage to get the camera to have a practise shoot where i had to film a music video and learnt about lip syncing this showed us that actual singer looked better and gave us a basic idea on what camera shots and movements looks good. Have access to camermas allowed us to film in differnet locations in order to get the best looking music video.

here are some examples of us using the camera filming for our video

Final cut pro;
final cut pro was a vital part of editting as it allowed us to put our music video in order so we could have the photos in the start of our music video, studio shots for our chorus and the burning picture at the end. It also allowed us to razor cut our clips so we could match the narrative up to lyrics and add cross divoles ect when we needed to in order to the video to look good.

Handbrake; we used this to convert our music video from final cut pro on to blogger so we could present it and so that people could mark it.

digpiak and advertisment

Digipak i used the following programs;
 photoshop elements 4.0; where i manage to edit my photos, add text, put all the bar codes and record companies change colours of backgrounds which allowed it to create a link to all my products for exmaple the blue background and graphic design .
For my advertisment;
i also used photoshop elements 4.0;
for my advertisment i had to add a big picture of bee from my photoshoot, information for my target audince, my graphic design and photoshop allowed me to arrange it on a half a4 page which was the size i wanted it to be without any problems and it was smooth.

overall real media technogoly allowed my music video, digipak and advertisment to look almost real and sucseful without media technology i wouldnt of bin able to do this.

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