Wednesday, 12 January 2011

question four

 What have you learned from your audience feedback?

I when out and asked three different people what they though of my video, what they liked and what could be improved. That gave me a real sense of how people perceived my video.

 Some feedback from class.
'Could of had had more confidence in performing the song'
' more locations'
'Good narrative'
'The use of images in the start helps to indicate the relationship'
'ipod shot was good'
' some of the shots could of bin brighter'
'Burning picture shot was a good ending.'
'bit boring.. to repetitive'

What did I learn from the feedback I received?

' Bit boring... to repetitive'
I agreed with this comment after watching it back, it made me realise that our group could of put some more confidence into the video as the weakest point of the video is the fact of the uncomfortable look throughout. So if we was to improve our video we could of reshot the main chorus shots, making bee move a bit more and changing locations and camera shots to make it more interesting to watch.

'The use of images in the starts helps to indicate the relationship  '
This showed me that giving the audience a clear storyline and establishing the story early on in the video help them watch it and understand what is going on rather than confusion. Also that the typical love story is a good approach as its easy to follow.

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