Wednesday 24 November 2010

analysis of one clip from rough cut- Production

This is a clip from the rough cut of Bee- smile, this is one of the basstracks which is filmed me singing in the studio. This is used various times in the rough cut, our teacher suggest we refilm these as they dont look very excited to the viewer. This shot was very static and would work well with the lively narrative we had throughout. This shot is a long shot which im standing very still and theres no variation or difference. We took our teachers advice and refilmed theses shots When we refilmed it we had three different shots ( long shot, medium close up and side angle close up) and there was alot more movement and some actions for the words, for example when the lyrics goes " and it dont mean jack" i illiustrate the words with movement, we used a good range of cutting inbetween the differnet angles which made the overall music video look better and more instresting to see.I think changing the clip of me very static still changed alot.

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